Releasing Your Code

  • zest.releaser
  • Despliegue de prueba en pypi del paquete egg

¡Finalmente tenemos algo de código funcionando! dependiendo de sus políticas, usted necesitaras despliegues repetitivos y versiones definitivas de software. Lo que significa que no corres tu sitio en producción con tu ultimo fuente de tu repositorio de fuentes. Quieres trabajar con paquetes eggs.

Making eggs is easy, making them properly not so much. There are a number of good practices that you should ensure. Let’s see. You want to have a sensible version number. By looking at the version number alone one should get a good idea how many changes there are (semantic version number scheme). Of course you always document everything, but for upgrades it is even more important to have complete changelogs.

Algunas veces no puedes actualizar a una nueva versión, pero necesitas un parche o algo. Es crucial que seas capaz de chequear la versión exacta que usas de su paquete egg.

These are a lot of steps, and there are a lot of actions that can go wrong. Luckily, there is a way to automate it. zest.releaser provides scripts to release an egg, to check what has changed since the release and to check if the documentation has errors.

There once was a book on python. Among other things, it had a chapter on releasing an egg with sample code. The sample code was about a printer of nested lists. This resulted in a lot of packages to print out nested lists on pypi.

Vamos a evitar esto. Todos, vayan a y creen una cuenta.

Siguiente, copia el archivo pypirc_sample a ~/.pypirc, modifiquelo para contener tu usuario y contraseña real.

Ahora que estamos preparados, Instale el paquete zest.releaser.

  • lasttagdiff
  • longtest
  • prerelease
  • release
  • postrelease