Instalando Plone para el entrenamiento


Since Plone 5 is not yet released we are using the current state of Plone 5 as it is being developed. To do so our buildout will extend from the Plone 5 Coredev Buildout and automatically checkout all packages that are currently under development (currently about 80).

Because of this, running buildout will take much more time than with a released version of Plone 5.

Keep in mind that you need a fast internet connection during installation since you’ll have to download a lot of data!


If you feel the desire to try out both methods below (with Vagrant and without), make sure you use different training directories! The two installations do not coexist well.

Installing Plone without vagrant


If you are not used to running Plone on your laptop skip this part and continue with Instalar VirtualBox.

If you are experienced with running Plone on your own laptop, we encourage you to do so because you will have certain benefits:

  • You can use the editor you are used to.
  • You can use omelette to have all the code of Plone at your fingertips.
  • You do not have to switch between different operating systems during the training.

If you feel comfortable, please work on your own machine with your own Python. But ** please ** make sure that you have a system that will work, since we don’t want you to lose valuable time!

Set up Plone for the training like this if you use your own OS (Linux or Mac):

$ mkdir training
$ cd training
$ git clone buildout
$ cd buildout
$ git checkout plone5
$ virtualenv-2.7 py27
$ ./py27/bin/pip install -U setuptools==18.0.1

Now you can run the buildout for the first time:

$ ./py27/bin/python
$ ./bin/buildout

This will take some time and produce a lot of output because it downloads and configures Plone. Once it is done you can start your instance with

$ ./bin/instance fg

The output should be simliar to:

2015-07-11 13:07:22 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Sat Jul 11 13:07:22 2015
    Port: 8080
2015-07-11 13:07:26 INFO ZODB.blob (12807) Blob directory '....../training/buildout/var/blobstorage' is unused and has no layout marker set. Selected `bushy` layout.
2015-07-11 13:07:26 INFO ZODB.blob (12807) Blob temporary directory '....../training/buildout/var/blobstorage/tmp' does not exist. Created new directory.
2015-07-11 13:07:32 INFO Plone OpenID system packages not installed, OpenID support not available
2015-07-11 13:07:36 INFO PloneFormGen Patching ColumnPortletManagerRenderer to not catch Retry exceptions
2015-07-11 13:07:36 INFO Zope Ready to handle requests

It the output says INFO Zope Ready to handle requests then you are in business.

If you point your local browser at http://localhost:8080 you see that Plone is running. Now create a new Plone site by clicking “Create a new Plone site”. The username and the password are both “admin” (Never do this on a real site!).

Now you have a working Plone site up and running and can continue with the next chapter.


If there is an error message you should either try to fix it or use vagrant and continue in this chapter.

Installing Plone with vagrant

In order not to waste too much time with installing and debugging the differences between systems, we use a virtual machine (Ubuntu 14.04) to run Plone during the training. We rely on Vagrant and VirtualBox to give the same development environment to everyone.

Vagrant es una herramienta para la creación de entornos de desarrollo completos. Lo usamos en conjunto con Oracle’s VirtualBox para crear y administrar un entorno virtual.

Instalar VirtualBox

Vagrant uses Oracle’s VirtualBox to create virtual environments. Here is a link directly to the download page: We use VirtualBox 4.3.x

Instalar y configurar Vagrant

Obtenga la última versión de para su sistema operativo e instalarlo.


In Windows there is a bug in the recent version of Vagrant. Here are the instructions for how to work around the warning Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed.

Ahora el sistema dispone de un comando vagrant que se puede ejecutar en el terminal.

First, create a directory in which you want to do the training.


If you already have a training directory because you followed the Installing Plone without vagrant instructions above, you should either delete it or rename it.

$ mkdir training
$ cd training

Setup Vagrant to automatically install the current guest additions. You can choose to skip this step if you encounter any problems with it.

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

Now download and copy its contents into your training directory.

$ wget
$ unzip

The training directory should now hold the file Vagrantfile and the directory manifests which again contains several files.

Now start setting up the VM that is configured in Vagrantfile:

$ vagrant up

This takes a veeeeery loooong time (up to 1h depending on your internet connection and system speed) since it does all the following steps:

  • descarga una máquina virtual (Official Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, también llamado “Trusty Tahr”)

  • establece la máquina virtual

  • actualiza la máquina virtual

  • instala varios paquetes necesarios para el desarrollo de Plone

  • downloads and unpacks the unified installer for Plone
  • corre el instalador unificado para Plone.

  • copies the eggs to a location we use in the training
  • clones the training buildout into /vagrant/buildout
  • construye Plone usando los paquetes eggs en el directorio del buildout-cache


A veces esto se detiene con el mensaje Skipping because of failed dependencies.

Skipping because of failed dependencies

If this happens or you have the feeling that something has gone wrong and the installation has not finished correctly for some reason you need to run the following command to repeat the process. This will only repeat steps that have not finished correctly.

$ vagrant provision

You can do this multiple times to fix problems, e.g. if your network connection was down and steps could not finish because of this.

Once Vagrant finishes the provisioning process, you can login to the now running virtual machine.

$ vagrant ssh


If you use Windows you’ll have to login with putty. Connect to vagrant@127.0.01 at port 2222. User and password are vagrant.

Ahora está iniciado con el usuario vagrant en /home/vagrant. Vamos a hacer todos los pasos del entrenamiento como este usuario.

We pre-installed a fresh Plone for you in the folder /home/vagrant/Plone/zinstance You can run it now and access it from the browser. We will not use this Plone instance in the training, so you can play around with it as much as you want.

Instead we use our own Plone instance during the training. It is in /vagrant/buildout/. Start it in foreground with ./bin/instance fg.

vagrant@training:~$ cd /vagrant/buildout
vagrant@training:/vagrant/buildout$ ./bin/instance fg
2015-07-11 21:00:18 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Sat Jul 11 21:00:18 2015
    Port: 8080
2015-07-11 21:00:31 INFO Products.PloneFormGen gpg_subprocess initialized, using /usr/bin/gpg
2015-07-11 21:00:33 INFO ZODB.blob (28079) Blob directory `/home/vagrant/var/blobstorage` is unused and has no layout marker set. Selected `bushy` layout.
2015-07-11 21:00:33 INFO ZODB.blob (28079) Blob temporary directory '/home/vagrant/var/blobstorage/tmp' does not exist. Created new directory.
2015-07-11 21:00:51 INFO Plone OpenID system packages not installed, OpenID support not available
2015-07-11 21:00:59 INFO PloneFormGen Patching ColumnPortletManagerRenderer to not catch Retry exceptions
2015-07-11 21:00:59 INFO Zope Ready to handle requests


In rare cases when you are using OSX with an UTF-8 character set starting Plone might fail with the following error:

ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8

In that case you have to put the localized keyboard and language settings in the .bash_profile of the vagrant user to your locale (like en_US.UTF-8 or de_DE.UTF-8)

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Now the Zope instance we’re using is running. You can stop the running instance anytime using ctrl + c.

If it doesn’t, don’t worry, your shell isn’t blocked. Type reset (even if you can’t see the prompt) and press RETURN, and it should become visible again.

If you point your local browser at http://localhost:8080 you see that Plone is running in vagrant. This works because Virtualbox forwards the port 8080 from the guest system (the vagrant Ubuntu) to the host system (your normal operating system). Now create a new Plone site by clicking “Create a new Plone site”. The username and the password are both “admin” (Never do this on a real site!).

The Buildout for this Plone is in a shared folder. This means we run it in the vagrant box from /vagrant/buildout but we can also access it in our own operating system and use our favorite editor. You will find the directory buildout in the directory training that you created in the very beginning next to Vagrantfile and manifests.


The database and the python packages are not accessible in your own system since large files cannot make use of symlinks in shared folders. The database lies in /home/vagrant/var, the python packages are in /home/vagrant/packages.

If you have any problems or questions please mail us at or create a ticket at

¿Qué hace Vagrant?

Installation is done automatically by vagrant and puppet. If you want to know which steps are actually done please see the chapter ¿Qué hace Vagrant?.